These England Hockey FAQs regarding COVID-19 area tiers should be your first point of reference for what is allowable. There is also a summary infographic included at the end of the first question that gives guidance on what is possible within each tier. Please read this and follow guidance relating to where you live.
If you have any questions please contact your Team Captain/Manager or Team Covid Officer in the first instance. If you are unsure of who your COVID officer is, or are unable to get hold of them, you can always contact Janet Grant and Kate McAuliffe via:
COVID-19 email: [email protected]
Remember: if you experience COVID-19 symptoms or suspect you may have COVID-19 you must:
- t
- Isolate
- Immediately inform your Team Covid Officer
- Get a test
- Follow government guidance
- Update your Team Covid Officer on the result of your test as soon as you receive it
- Get better soon!
Thank you for your support, we will share updates as soon as we have them. We will continue to keep you updated on specifics relevant to Bowdon HC via Club Buzz as soon as we are able to.