1. Introduction
1.1. The Disciplinary Code sets out the formal action to be taken by Bowdon Hockey Club (The Club) for any failure to meet the standards expected in respect of etiquette, behaviour and conduct from those involved with hockey at Bowdon.
1.2. The Code applies to hockey related activity on and off the pitch including during matches, training, when representing the The Club, or being seen to represent The Club (including written and/or social media communications). The Code applies to all Club members and Officials, and where relevant spectators and parents.
1.3. The Code links to and supports the Club Code of Conduct and the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour.
2. Disciplinary Procedure
2.1.The Disciplinary Code will be managed and applied by the Disciplinary Committee, a sub- committee of the Management Committee. Any relevant actions or outcomes will be reported to the Management Committee.
2.2. The Disciplinary Committee will have a quorum of three and will comprise: i) The Club’s Disciplinary Officer (Chair of the Disciplinary Committee) ii) THE Club’s Secretary (Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee)
iii) One further person as appropriate to each hearing
2.3. A Member will be required to attend a Disciplinary Committee hearing following the receipt of a ‘straight’ red card as detailed in the Code of Conduct, or if they are deemed to have otherwise contravened the Code of Conduct.
2.4. The Committee will normally be convened by the Secretary in conjunction with the Chair within 14 days of a Red Card being awarded or within 14 days of any other matter being raised with a member of the Management Committee or Disciplinary Committee.
2.5. If a member is asked to attend a Disciplinary Committee hearing they may bring along another member to speak on their behalf or as an observer or to put any facts. It is the member’s responsibility to provide any evidence to support his/her case.
2.6. Under 18s must also be accompanied by a parent /guardian.
2.7. The Disciplinary Committee will hear the full facts and if relevant, the member and or the Disciplinary Committee may call witnesses to attend and provide supporting input. Any witnesses called may be questioned by either party.
2.8. The hearing may be adjourned to allow the Committee to investigate and/or obtain further evidence or to call further witnesses.
2.9. The hearing will be adjourned to enable the Disciplinary Committee to consider the information and a decision to be reached, this will include consideration of the member’s previous disciplinary record and any mitigation.
2.10. On the same date, wherever possible, the member will be informed verbally of the decision and any sanctions to be applied. The reasoning for the decision will be explained. In addition the member will also be informed formally of the outcome in writing within 5 days of the hearing. This will include full details of any sanctions or penalties.
2.11. The Disciplinary Committee may impose any penalty that it considers appropriate including a recommendation to the Bowdon Club Council that the member may be expelled or suspended from The Bowdon Club. Where appropriate The Committee will use relevant guidance from England Hockey as well as past precedent when considering any sanctions to apply. These sanctions may include:
- Verbal warning (formal or informal)
- Written warning
- Suspension from playing and other hockey related activities
- Request to refund The Club for any fees or fines incurred by The Club as a result of the incident involving the member.
- Recommendation to The Bowdon Club Council for suspension of Club membership for a period to be defined, a recommendation to the Council for expulsion from The Club.
- 2.12. All sanctions may have conditions attached at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee.
- 2.13. Subject to the right of appeal, decisions of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final.
- 2.14. Minutes of Disciplinary Committee meetings, and Appeals, will be recorded and these will be available to the member, on written request, where these relate to decisions concerning the member. Minutes will be copied to the THE CLUB Management Committee.
2.12. All sanctions may have conditions attached at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee.
2.13. Subject to the right of appeal, decisions of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final.
2.14. Minutes of Disciplinary Committee meetings, and Appeals, will be recorded and these will be available to the member, on written request, where these relate to decisions concerning the member. Minutes will be copied to the THE CLUB Management Committee.
3. Appeals Process
3.1. Following the decision of the Disciplinary Committee the member will have the right to appeal against any sanction imposed by the Committee.
3.2. Any appeal must be made in writing to the the Club Secretary within 5 days of the receipt of the written notification of the sanction. The appeal must state the basis and rationale for the appeal.
3.3. The appeal hearing will take place within 14 days of the receipt of the written appeal and will be heard by three members of the the Club Management Committee not involved in the original hearing.
3.4. Following the appeal hearing the member will be informed in writing within 5 days of the appeal committee’s decision. Their decision will be final.