Hi everyone,

As we come back after the October break, it’s timely to reflect on the brilliant progress that has already been made this season.  As you know, we have a strategy that will develop over several years, so it’s important we recognise incremental progress while we continue to strive for more.

Thanks to the approval of our extended floodlight use and new training schedule, we are starting to embed our Bowdon Brand ways of playing. These are ‘Keep, Progress, Create and Recover’; all sessions at all levels incorporate these principles which should also start filtering through to the way we play our game.  In addition, we have welcomed new adult players to the club who are helping to stabilise and strengthen our senior teams.  It is always difficult at the start of the season as we get squads settled, so we thank you for your patience while coaches have worked on this.  

If we take a look at league tables, it’s exciting to see that there are signs these developments are having impact.  11 out of 15 of our adult teams are in the top half of their tables and 7 of them are in the top three so in contention for promotion (although this includes our Women’s 1s who can climb no further)!  Our junior teams are gaining a fierce reputation too.  We enter more age groups into junior competitions than any other club in the North West and are pleased to see that all are performing well, even against the strongest opposition. England Hockey Cup matches are just getting started too so keep an eye on our social channels for updates on these!

As you know, we are keen to continue to build our sense of community around the pitch too.  We are hugely grateful to the teams of volunteers who enable us to hold fixtures, get players on the pitch, umpire matches, support with coaching, as well as so many other jobs behind the scenes.  Thanks to all volunteers and those who are so supportive of our Bowdon volunteer community.  Do keep an eye on the social events that are ongoing, as these are great ways to meet and get to know others from across the entire Bowdon Hockey Club.  As always, if you feel you can get more involved, do reach out to any of us to chat about where help is needed.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Club and what comes next for our teams this season!

Your Bowdon HC Committee

Jonny Grant, Lucy Hargreaves, Neil Leach, Bill Ball, Jez Allen, Charlie Dowdle, Tim Ainsworth, Julie Saunders 

Categories: Bowdon HC