The headlines for Bowdon are:


  • Clubs/players living within T3 can resume training and playing matches within their own Tier only. 
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  • Adult players living outside GM cannot travel to Bowdon for hockey. There is an exception to this for all U18s, who can travel to train and play in other Tiers, BUT only where this is part of U18 activity.  U18s are defined as anyone who is under 18 at the start of the academic year
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  • Volunteers can also travel across tiers but normally only to facilitate U18 hockey activity
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  • Coaches can also travel across tiers to facilitate any hockey activity
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  • Adults cannot carshare and Juniors in T3 are recommended to only travel in their household or support bubble.
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  • The latest information communicated about spectators is inconsistent with an earlier communication and so we will check this and reconfirm asap.


In addition to some of our adult members who live outside GM being precluded from travelling to train and play matches in Tier 3, some of our U18s who live in T2 (ie Cheshire) cannot travel to participate in senior matches and training sessions. EH Cup is unaffected.

We have a lot of work to do to react to this as positively as possible.  Things will evolve in the coming days with updates to follow.  

Here is the short term plan.


  • Tonight’s Men’s 2/3/4s training will proceed and all the usual attendees should come.  Upon arrival the group will be split into Adults and Junior ‘Colts’ who will train separately in line with new guidance. Only adult players who live in Greater Manchester Tier 3 may attend.  U18s from Greater Manchester Tier 3 and other Tiers may attend.
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  • All Badgers, Beavers, Bears and Sunday Morning Juniors sessions can proceed as before lockdown and social distancing rules etc.
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  • This weekend’s senior team matches will proceed as far as possible, but may have to be adjusted to accommodate as many people as possible.  Please look out for information from your Captains etc and respond immediately if required, as they have a huge amount of juggling to do.

Plans for next week’s adult training sessions will be communicated in the next few days.

You can see the updated EH guidance here and read the full Q&A from England Hockey here.

Many thanks for your continued support. 

If you have any questions around the guidance or need to notify of any isolation or positive case, you can reach Janet Grant and Kate McAuliffe, the Club COVID-19 Officers via [email protected]

Categories: Bowdon HC